When forecasting the useful life of a reserve study item, there are many factors that come in to play and different methods to predict the useful life. Useful life depends on climate, usage, maintenance, and judgment. A reserve analyst may use one of the following methods or a combination of them to forecast the useful […]
reserve analyst
The Team Effort of a Reserve Study
Reserve studies require input from multiple people to be their most effective. To get the maximum benefit from a reserve study, multiple parties should be involved: the reserve analyst, the property manager, and board members within the association. Each of these parties brings unique skills and knowledge to the process that can make the report […]
Who is Qualified to Perform a Reserve Study
Reserve studies are reports that show funding models to communities to estimate and provide for the funding necessary to repair or replace components of common areas as they wear out. These reserve studies may be performed by a number of professionals with varying backgrounds. Currently, there is only one state, Nevada, which requires licensure through […]
The Value of a Reserve Study
One of the most important facets of long range community planning is funding reserves. Reserves are the monies collected for long term capital projects within the community. Reserves can be difficult to project because there is a fair amount of uncertainty in projecting how long something will last and how much it will cost. One […]